Okay, okay. I've procrastinated enough. I now present my uber over-due life update:
My plan for post-graduation in January changed drastically by June... as in, did a total 180. This was a result of a lot of different things, of course... plans change! And I'm learning more and more to just go with the flow and do what feels most right and most logical. As spontaneous as all of this may sound, it's all actually been EXTREMELY well thought out and (probably) over-analyzed at great length. The decisions I have made in the past few months and am making now are the best for me, physically, emotionally and mentally.
I am moving to Boston on August 1st- two weeks from today. I'll be living with H and a friend of her's from high school. We signed a lease on an amazing, adorable apartment in the Brighton area of Boston, which is where Boston College is located. We'll be living on the top floor of a two-story duplex. Our apartment has free laundry (a big deal in Boston, we quickly learned), a BACKYARD for Sydney (!!), a fenced garden to grow whatever we want, a huge back deck with a big grill for our use, and is right down the street from a huge park. We're not far from two different forms of transportation (there's a T stop down the street, and in the other direction, Brighton Square where there's numerous bus stops).
No, I do not have a job yet. I plan on taking a year off before grad school, therefore, I need a job. I've applied for a ridiculous amount of jobs and only got one interview. I found out the other day that I didn't get the job - that's okay - I just need to keep searching and applying. However, it's pretty disheartening to apply over and over again and get no response. Are my experiences working and volunteering really not enough to get me a job in a non-profit organization? Am I that bad of a cover letter writer? Is my college GPA not as high as it could be? Is my resume laid out incorrectly? Am I really under-qualified for every single position on the planet? A million questions run through my head everyday, and my mind races at night as I try to figure out what I am doing wrong and why I haven't found a job and it's been two months since I began applying.
So, that part is still being figured out. If I have to, I can turn to nannying full time, but that really isn't what I want to do at all. Although, the pay is great because no taxes are taken out. If anyone knows anyone with connections to a non-profit in Boston, please let me know!
Moving on... next piece of big news: I'm going to be an aunt! My niece will be born sometime in the beginning of December. I am beyond ecstatic! I cannot wait to have a tiny little ball of chub to hold, kiss, and sing to and I can't wait to finally meet her!
Overall, I am happy, well-fed, and safe. I am a little bit nervous/anxious about moving to a brand new big city, but luckily I have great friends - my friend Dan is driving up there with me and staying for a few days to help get me move in and settled. Another friend is going to be living about 10 minutes away from me, and I'm excited to see her more often. I have a great little inconspicuous map of the city/subway system so hopefully I won't get lost too much. I'm excited to move and make a new home. I'm sad to leave Greensboro...it's been my home for 5 years now. I'm sad to leave my best friend and roommate- Kim... I don't know what I'll do without her. We know each other so well and have gotten used to each other's quirks - she's a great roommate. But, hopefully we'll be able to make our way back down here to visit our friends over the next year.
I think that's about it. I'm going to PACAA this Friday, and I can't wait - I feel like PACAA always grounds me. It's like I spend all year being stressed and losing my focus every now and then.. and then during the summer I always have trouble directing myself in any way. PACAA always seems to ground me, and I usually leave it and 1. Sleep for 10 hours straight, and 2. Feel better about whatever my future plans are. Working with teens just does that to me!
I hope you're all having a safe, fun, and peaceful summer!