Friday, January 4, 2008


Sorry for the lack of updates! I've just been running around lately, well, more like driving around. Also, a disclaimer for this post- I took maximum strength Benedryl last night before bed, and it's definitely still in my system, as I am so drowsy that I can barely focus on the screen!

So, mostly the last few weeks have consisted of hanging out with friends and family. We spent New Years Eve with Meredith in her amazing and colorful hot tub. The 1st was spent recovering, lounging on the couch watching TV for most of the day (much needed). On the 2nd we went into Philly to visit Lindsey (Em's best friend from high school) and her girlfriend Megan. We ate at this great place that served really random, awesome meals and then walked back to their apartment, stopping in neat shops along the way. That was one of the best afternoons of the whole break, I think. Hanging out with people we don't always get to see, and plus I love Philadelphia.

Today Em and I are taking the train into the city to meet up with some friends of ours who are visiting NYC. They're from North Carolina and they go every winter. Should be a fun time, except that it's FIFTEEN DEGREES OUT! I'll have to wear few layers, that's for sure.

On Sunday Em and her family will leave me behind for Paris (do I sound bitter? I promise I'm not ;-D ). I'm watching their house/pets for them, so it'll be like a big zoo with Sydney, Lily (their laboradoodle) and two cats Moe and Holden. So I'll be here for a little under a week, by myself...if you live in the north Jersey area, give me a call, I'd love to meet up! I'll have Em's car, so I can pretty much go anywhere.

I think that's it for now. Sorry I've been pretty mundane lately. When I'm here by myself during the Paris trip, I'm sure I'll be updating often.

Love everywhere,

Oh- PS.. Who watched the Iowa Caucuses last night!??! Who won for the demos ?!??!



Anonymous said...

I am glad that you had a good time with lindsey and megan too - I really like philly :-)


lindsey said...

i'm glad that you had fun with us too. and i'm glad that you and em like philly.