Monday, February 23, 2009


Last night I watched the Oscars- I missed a few awards in the middle so that I could talk to my mom on the phone and with my sister, but they weren't any awards that I cared too much about, I don't think.

I was super, super excited that Wall.E won Best Animated Feature Film.  If you haven't seen it, you need to ASAP!  It's such a cute movie, I'll admit that I got teary-eyed a few times while watching it.  And I'm usually not a fan of robots, so I didn't have very high expectations for this movie.  But it blew me away- great message, great characters, awesome story line.  And when you fall in love with the song that plays during the closing credits, refer back to here to find out who sings it and what it's called, so that you can download it, because I know you'll want to ;-)  It's Peter Gabriel - Down to Earth.

Slumdog Millionaire swept the awards, winning eight (I think?) Oscars, including Best Picture and Best Director.  I still haven't seen it, but I really want to.  We've been talking about it in my Politics of the Non-Western World class, so I pretty much know the story, but I hear it's just amazing to watch.

Also, Sean Penn won Best Actor for his portrayal of Harvey Milk in Milk, and I was very impressed with his amazing speech.  According to Youtube he "Slams Prop 8, calls Barack 'elegant' "

Amazing!  I have always loved Sean Penn  :-)


Unknown said...

I love the's always on our morning TV with all the celebs at the after parties and getting interviewed on the red carpet!
Go Kate Winslet too :-)

Anonymous said...

i have wall-e & slumdog on my "to-watch" list. i've heard nothing but good things about wall-e and mixed things (mostly good) about slumdog...I think the slumdog backlash is largely an anti-hype sort of reaction, but i'll have to wait til i see it.
i do like the slumdog soundtrack - i'm a sucker for movie scores.

Unknown said...

I just looked on the tube of hand cream, and it says hand cream, which is what I also call it. Do you call it hand lotion?
I too, love the way different things are named! Like pavement/sidewalk, fringe/bangs and brew to me is a cup of tea! Isn't it beer in America?
It fascinates me!

Unknown said...

ooh...and our chips are french fries and what you call chips, we call crisps!!

Unknown said...

State schools are the ones you don't have to pay for...although they've all got different names, we have academies, secondary schools, grammar schools, voluntary aided and voluntary controlled schools (which are church run schools) and community name but a few!
Also, I left high school at 16 to go to college until I was 18, then went on to university to get a degree!
Whereas I believe that what you use college more to mean university?